Cannot withdraw all un-staked tokens

Hello API3 team,

I’ve been trying to withdraw my un-staked API3 tokens that have been un-staked for probably 2+ months.
I have connected my Meta Mask wallet and it shows that I have total amount of 217.01 but withdrawable only 6.33. I cannot withdraw the total amount for several weeks already.

I originally staked more than 900 tokens, then I un-staked all of them but I was able to withdrawn (after the period) only around 700 tokens , several weeks ago. It was not possible to withdraw more because of some unknown reason. Today, after several weeks, I am able to withdraw only 6.33 of the total 217.01 tokens.

Can you please help me to withdraw the rest or explain me the reason why my tokens are still not withdrawable?

Thank you very much.

See API3 | DAO Documentation
The withdrawable amount will increase every week. All will be withdrawable 1 year after a full unstake.

Hi, thank you very much for your reply. After 1 year?? :hushed: I have not found such information/condition anywhere. It would not make sense to me to stake tokens that I cannot get back in this bull-run cycle.

To be clear, only the rewards are locked for a year, not any of your initial