Community Report Q1 2023

Community Report Q1 2023

This report provides API3 community growth and engagement statistics of Q1 2023, including comparison charts dating back to June 2022 and API3 product usage analytics. The complete report of 2022 can be found here, and should not to be confused with the API3 Recap 2022, which highlights the development progress and achievements of the various teams contributing to the API3 DAO.





Since last year, the forum’s membership count increased by 25. Furthermore, there is a slight upward trend in the message count, which is a positive sign of the forum’s growth and continued relevance as a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas.




Top channels

Following a recent overhaul of Discord, the total number of channels has been reduced, and messages sent through deleted channels are not included in the statistics. Despite this, there has been an increase in membership, and a consistent upward trend in message activity. As seen on the chart, the end of Q1 marked the highest activity on Discord since September last year. General continues to be the most active channel, followed by qrng and dapis. The activity on the qrng channel reflects the growing adoption of API3’s Quantum Random Number Generator, totaling around 100,000 requests as of the conclusion of Q1 2023.




There has been a steady decrease in the number of members on Telegram, which may be attributed to our emphasis on Discord as the primary platform for developer support and community engagement. Nevertheless, there is a positive trend in the message count on Telegram, with March recording the highest number of messages since October last year.


Followers (1)

Engagement Rate

The growth in the number of Twitter followers has continued to increase, with the count reaching approximately 48,000 by the end of Q1 2023. During this period, the engagement rate averaged at 3.66%, which is slightly lower than the overall mean of 3.92% for 2022, but marginally higher than the average of 3.5% recorded during Q4 of 2022.




Although there has been a rise in the number of subscribers on Reddit for the past ten months, it is noteworthy that the total pageviews have been declining for almost the entire time period. This indicates that while there has been an increase in the number of individuals subscribing to the subreddit, overall engagement and viewership may not be growing at the same pace, and in fact, were decreasing. However, in February this year, there has been a reversal of this downtrend for the first time since September 2022.



Viewers (2)

There has been a slight decline in the number of subscribers on YouTube, however, there was a temporary increase in new viewership during January and February. This surge in viewership can be mainly attributed to the staking tutorial series, which drew in a significant number of new viewers.

API3 Product Usage Analytics

QRNG Fulfilments (1)

Throughout the first quarter of 2023, there has been a significant increase in the number of QRNG fulfilments, reaching a peak of 46154 in March 2023. This represents a substantial increase of 645% compared to the figures recorded in December 2022. To access more analytics regarding QRNG usage, please visit the QRNG Monitoring page.

  • Contacted @enormous to suggest the implementation of a new feature into the API3 DAO Tracker. This proposed feature would enable the tracking of more comprehensive staking statistics, thereby allowing for the further expansion of the Community Reports.
  • Expanded the report to include analytics regarding QRNG fulfilments.
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