Looking for ideas to showcase API3 tech

Now that Web3 APIs and QRNG are ready to be used in production, and data feeds (dAPIs and Beacons) are coming soon, we want to build things that demonstrate and showcase API3 tech. We want your help coming up with ideas!

Goals for these ideas are:

  • Simple, minimal code. The purpose is to showcase using API3 tech in dapps. The smart contracts should only be as complicated as needed to achieve that.
  • Actually useful. Something with real-world value. Not just contrived examples.
  • Interesting to use. It should be something that people find interesting and even fun.
  • The code can be used as a template for similar dapps to start with.

:point_right:t4: See Showcase Ideas :point_left:t4:

Our intent is brainstorm, select, build, and host showcase apps so that people can clearly see what Airnode and API3 can do.

If you have an idea, please post it in the Ideas category and tag it with showcase. Topics in the Ideas category can be voted on, and the showcase tag helps us filter them from other ideas in that category. Post your idea and blow us away with your creativity!

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