API3 DAO Operations Team Proposal
Operations cycle: #17
Period: 1 December 2024 – 28th February 2025 (3 months)
—--------------------------------------------------------------------- update line
Amount: $ 35316.96
Destination: Gnosis Safe (Multi-sig Wallet)
Address: 0x00128492458fdB7f50ffE655153Bc91aE06e00F5
● 0x306F15dAE87185540Fc6dD6Ef8e0bf12D6AFa609
● 0x79c244C70E288DC011f7978bc0866A98dbDF2ddB
● 0xE0D6480ae69e7C4928a3F45E6cf5651e52741EC0
⅔ signatures needed in order to make a transaction.
The Business Operations Team serves to make sure internal systems and processes run smoothly for the organisation as a whole, and our general responsibilities have been outlined in previous proposals, therefore more details can be found there in the ‘History’ part of the governance section of the DAO portal dashboard, if required for reference.
Items and requirements specific to this proposal are in the embedded spreadsheet image below as line items and are also explained as text.
Contingency Fund and petty cash etc:
As stated in previous proposals, this serves to backstop other teams etc as required.
This required a top-up this cycle, due to an emergency annual expense to pay administrative fees to do with the API3 Foundation. The previously named ongoing operations requirement has been renamed petty cash. Top-ups were required for both this cycle, which will help us to support other API teams accordingly as requested and rapidly.
Cycle #17 Specific Deliverables:
No extra or specific deliverables for this cycle beyond the regular functions of Ops were specified. However please note that our services provider has changed from EBSS Inc. to Varia LLC, as indicated on this proposal.
Cycle #16 Deliverables Achieved:
● Ongoing operational support provided to other API3 teams.
● Maintained and managed existing processes - marking and addressing areas for improvement as needed.
● Ongoing internal systems monitoring and support.