[WPR] Marketing - Brian - Jan 15th

• Continued API3 Price Beacons developer reference page for inclusion in the upcoming DevHub.
• Addressed items in preparation for upcoming hackathon @ EthDenver conference for February.
• Partner Aurora/NEAT - linked-in to Telegram group dialog. Drafted paragraph describing API3 for Asurora’s partner page. (& Candidate for inclusion on Polygon API3 « Polygon)
• Convened weekly Beacon marketing<>developer team catch-up session.
• Ethdenver - commenced EthDenver community engagement - including Discord.
○ Looking to engage with EthDenver community team.
○ Framing creation of end-to-end delightful experience for hackathon participant developers.
□ Linking in other community management team members.
• Reviewed updated Beacon Github content and technical docs.
• Community channel moderation.