[WPR] Marketing - Tom - August 5


  • Restored and published part 3 from “Getting APIs on the Blockchain” on Medium, which had been deleted by the author. This is part of a project to restore all the pieces that written for API3 and then deleted, or altered with malicious intent.

  • Rewrote and published part 8 of “Getting APIs on the Blockchain”, which had been deleted by the author.

  • Updated and published Tokenomics article with technical fixes. This aims to be informative to a wider audience of readers. There is also a standalone API3 Tokenomics piece which can be linked to by team.

  • Began re-write of part 7 of “Getting APIs on the Blockchain” which is currently being used to deride API3.

  • Edited phase 1 “Corporate Identity” documentation for discussion with the marketing team

  • Feedback on Analytics presentation


  • Outlined content for Sensedia piece in line with “Getting APIs on the Blockchain” restoration

  • Met with Can about cohesive brand identity.

  • Met with Ryan and Can to codify cohesive identity and discuss website info hierarchy.

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