3pochLabs - API3


The proposal outlines a plan for improving API3’s pitch and after-product integration pipeline, along with building a BD pipeline. The suggested changes include prioritizing the technical superiority, ease of integration, data quality, and comparative advantage in the pitch. After product integration, API3 aims to provide advantages to early partners. The proposal emphasizes building a structured BD pipeline, including engaging with new protocols, VCs, and emerging chains. The primary agent submitted this proposal.


This proposal presents a comprehensive strategy to fuel the growth of API3, encompassing three strategic pillars.

  1. It highlights the utmost priority of refining API3’s pitch, with a focus on technical excellence, integration simplicity, data quality, comparative advantages, and fostering a sense of belonging in a rapidly expanding ecosystem.
  2. It advocates for post-integration support that empowers initial partners with business development opportunities, marketing prospects, and total value locked (TVL) potential.
  3. The importance of constructing a structured business development pipeline, facilitating API3’s engagement with emerging protocols, strengthening ties with venture capitalists, and positioning API3 as the preferred oracle provider for nascent blockchain networks.

By implementing these initiatives, this proposal seeks to elevate the number of integrations and the total value secured, catalyzing the growth and market influence of API3.

About 3Poch Labs

3poch is a cryptocurrency liquid investment fund and research Lab. The partners at the fund have core spearheads for the DeFi ecosystem at Polygon Labs, growing it from a nascent 10M TVL to 10B over a year. Since 1 month of inception, 3poch Labs has been onboarded as advisor for Good Entry protocol. Helping them build “Protected perps” - a new primitive in the DeFi ecosystem.
In addition, 3poch co-Founder Hamzah Khan has contributed to the OEV litepaper in the design and market research phase.


We are big believers in the utility and adoption of API3 first-party oracle. We believe API3 is positioned well enough to benefit from the following, but not limited to.

  1. DeFi and Polygon ecosystem growth
  2. Superior Oracle product bolstered by OEV
  3. Chainlink’s policies and business model

Building the Polygon DeFi ecosystem for the last 3 years, we believe our team has the skill, capital, and ability to help grow API3 further.

  1. Help grow API3 with Polygon CDK chains -
    Polygon is working with multiple L1s to transform them into a Zk-Layer 2 solution using Polygon CDK (Chain Development Kit). It is an open-source and modular codebase that anyone anywhere can use to launch their own L2 chain, powered by the industry-leading ZK technology of Polygon.
    Canto, Astar, and Manta chains will be DeFi-focused chains; we will push for API3 as the go-to oracle on these new chains. While chains like Immutable and Nexon will be more gaming-focused which can become home to API3 QRNG.

  1. Help grow API3 usage with DeFi integrations - Work with your DeFi integrations team, and get API3 used in lending markets, Perp markets, and prediction markets.

  2. Marketing and branding- Our team of research analysts will help push the content and research focused on increasing mind share and visibility for more adoption and token utility. This includes IRL events as well.

  3. Bringing mindshare to API3 - Visibility into infrastructure security and comparative security. Visibility into future product roadmap for the next 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months.

The proposal aims to increase the Number of Integrations i.e the number of protocols that integrate or use API3’s services as their oracle solution and Total Value Secured.
Increasing the number of integrations indicates a broader adoption of API3. And by increasing the total value, API3 can demonstrate its trustworthiness and reliability as an oracle provider, attracting more projects and assets.

Achieving growth in these metrics is crucial because it signifies the expansion of API3’s influence and presence. As more projects integrate API3 and secure a larger total value, the platform gains prominence, trust, and market influence, which can lead to greater recognition and adoption.


  1. A stablecoin-denominated monthly retainer worth 7k USD for next 4 months.
  2. A KPI based boost on top of every integration made possible, with 1k worth API3 on introduction, incremented by 2k after protocol going mainnet live.


The proposal’s key benefits include expanding API3’s reach and influence in the blockchain industry. By increasing the number of integrations and the total value secured, API3 will attract more projects, enhance trustworthiness, and gain prominence, ultimately solidifying its position as a trusted and influential oracle provider.


Voting for this proposal means that you are in favor of 3Poch Labs providing services for API3 token, under the agreed-upon grant terms, for a period of ____________

Voting against this proposal means that you do not wish to have 3Poch Labs provide services to the API3 under the current terms.



Besides having a cofounder who was director of growth at polygon and advisory of good entry, do you have any other sucess stories?

Also, Good Entry seems to work with the Chainlink Oracle (correct me if I am wrong), while you write about Chainlink’s policies and business model are an advantage for API3, while advising Good Entry?

Overall, decent proposal. I would love to see you guys working with API3.



Thank for making this proposal. Sounds very encouraging. Will you be specializing in growing APIs presence in the Polygon ecosystem, or also other chains e.g. Avalanche?

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Thank for the kind words around the proposal.

As for the experience, the founding team of 3poch started the entire DeFi market on Polygon from 10m to 10b TVL along with onboarding multiple fintechs like Robinhood wallet, Stripe, Lemon Cash and Nubank on Polygon PoS. The team also played a pivotal role in the launch of DeFi on zkEVM and grew it to 35M tvl at the top.

In addition to the Polygon work, the team has also introduced multiple projects to API3 (including GoodEntry) and also helped close a few.

Thanks again🙏


Yes, we are chain agnostic in our approach.


3poch dudes are pretty top notch and there’s a good chance that their success in magnifying Polygon’s TVL can be replicated for API3’s TVS :+1: