API3 Staking Webpage cannot load

Hi Team,

I have a bunch of API3 Tokens that are staking, but every time I have tried to load the staking website (tried to add website here but forum won’t allow). It just stays a blank white screen and nothing will load.

Do you know how I can get the webpage to load and review staking tokens?

Thank you

Thanks, I have tried to access support page, but also wont open and has below error:

This site can’t be reached

The connection was reset.



Hi @rovr4on87, I hope you didn’t open the links from some scam account.

If you were using the one with ‘eth.link’, we don’t recommend that anymore. Please use one of these instead:

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Thanks Jess, after many scam posts to visit link and Metamask not allowing me to visit, I had to google .limo link to check if genuine and all good. Beware out there on this forum people.

Yeah, please beware of scammers and to always check that the account trying to help is an admin/moderator of API3 (the ones with the badge right next to the name).

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