Delegation Pitch - Blockchain @ Michigan

Hey! We’re Blockchain @ Michigan, one of the leading blockchain student orgs in the nation.

We focus on building cool projects - we’ve incubated three startups including Decentology and Dahlia (Celo Camp Batch 3 winners) and consulted for companies like PayPal and TRM Labs (YC S12).

But our other big love is working with DAOs to create thriving communities. And that’s why we’re here today! Currently, we serve as delegators for Uniswap and Compound, and we’d love to continue serving the community here as delegators for API3. We’re unbiased and only care for the long-term well-being of crypto & oracles :slight_smile:

So… why should you delegate to Blockchain @ Michigan?
Well, check our track record for decisions & reasoning at and a recent post of a fatal flaw of governance in the Uniswap DAO

In case you’re still not convinced, we’d love to chat more! Email us at [blockchain at umich dot com]. We’re pretty cool people - down to chat about API3, crypto & defi overall, or shill you our NFTs.

You can’t spell WGMI without GM,
The UMich Blockchain Team
:writing_hand: Ishaan @ishaan0x

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⟁ Welcome! ⟁ Appreciate the additional context; down the road would love to hear more about any specific plans/opinions with respect to API3 or maybe even how API3’s tech could be used with the startups you’ve incubated?


Yes, I agree with this. I love seeing people interested in DAO involvement, but I’d want to see what it is about the project that interests them specifically, and what kind of future they imagine for the DAO (etc.)


uniswap governance has many university groups who are completely disconnected with crypto community and maybe lobbied by startups in recent case flipside crypto

BlockVenture is pleased to recommend Colin and Blockchain@Michigan. We have worked with their group since 2019. Blockchain@Michigan did consulting work for one of our partners Magic, and the Magic team was so impressed they flew them out to ETH Denver. Blockchain@Michigan also participated in our Satoshi’s Treasure initiative, and they’ve been an active group in our network. We are confident in their team to make a positive impact in API3’s DAO governance.