Forum light mode

It would be nice if we have a light mode for the forum.

Here is an example. (Changed only 3-4 colors)

A comparison of the dark and light mode.

Here as another example a link from Brave Forum. They also have a light theme.
Brave Community

I think creating this is quite simple.

The function for this is already available.

what do you think about it?
@UgurMersin @T.API3

Easy enough. We added a light mode.


That was fast :sweat_smile:
Thank you very much.

Sweet :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Thanks Ryan!


can you make the header dark?
Gives a little more contrast and the logo looks better.

You can do this by changing
from header_background: #fff;
to header_background: #030303;

Done. How does it look?

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looks good :heart_eyes:
thank you

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