Unlocking potential of the API3 DAO Tracker [bounty challenge]

API3 DAO Tracker: Contributor Bounties

API3 is a decentralized and trust-minimized way of delivering traditional API services to smart contract platforms, governed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). The API3 DAO Tracker has been developed to support decentralization by allowing all participants to have access to the data to effectively govern the DAO.

Bounty overview: unlocking the potential of tracker.api3.org

API3 welcomes feedback from contributors so we can improve the accuracy, utility, and user experience of the tracker to optimize DAO governance. tracker.api3.org provides tooling that allows participants to understand key on-chain metrics surrounding governance including proposal voting, participant history, and an overview of staking rewards.

  1. Optimizing tracker.api3.org to better engage DAO participants

    • What areas of the site did you find difficult to understand?
    • What additional information would you find useful to support DAO governance?
    • How could navigation be improved?
  2. Enhancing the utility of tracker.api3.org for governance

    • How could governance be supported further by the tracker?
    • What functionality might improve governance engagement?
    • How does the tracker support your understanding of API3 and the DAO?
  3. Governance wildcard

    • What other opportunities would support the API3 ecosystem using tracker.api3.org?


  1. Overall winner: 600 API3
  2. Runners up x3: 250 API3

Judging criteria & submission

  • Degree of innovation and progress to the tracker
  • Impact on decentralized governance
  • Level of optimized governance for Web3 infrastructure
  • Practicality of implementation

The bounty will run from Feb 23rd through to April 14th (end of day). The challenge is open for all to enter but we welcome those using or familiar with the tracker.api3.org tooling to participate.

To submit your idea you can follow the template below (removing titles as you see fit) and post in to the thread.

Submission Title:

Describe your idea below
[Provide a brief summary of your suggestion. Make sure to highlight how it aligns with DAO governance in the Web3 infrastructure.]

How would you optimize the on-chain analytics on tracker.api3.org?
[Describe how you would optimize/change the on-chain analytics tool to support and enhance decentralized decision-making in DAOs.]

What is the impact on Governance Processes/Tools:
[Explain how your on-chain analytics tool integrates with existing governance processes and tools in the API3 DAO. How does it contribute to the transparency and accountability of decentralized decision-making?]

What unique features or approaches does your suggestion offer?
[Explain how your suggestion creates innovation and progress, especially in comparison to existing analytics solutions for DAO governance. ]

The overall impact on Decentralized Governance:
[Discuss the potential impact that your submission can have on the evolution of decentralized governance. How can it contribute to the growth and development of the API3 ecosystem?]

How do you implement your idea:
[Explain how your on-chain analytics tool can be implemented in a practical and scalable way]


Improving API3 DAO Tracker with Visual Data Analytics

Description of Idea:
My recommendation is to incorporate visual data analytics capabilities into the tracker, giving API3 participants access to simple charts and graphs that show crucial on-chain indicators related to governance. Users may find it challenging to examine and interpret the data on the tracker platform’s current only presentation of data in table format. Users can quickly get insights and make better decisions regarding the governance process by including visual representations like pie charts, line graphs, and bar charts.

Optimizing the on-chain analytics on the tracker
To put this recommendation into practice, it would make sense to create and integrate visual data analytics elements into the platform using the data already there on the tracker. Interactive dashboards showing previous voting trends, staking activity, proposal history, and other pertinent data points might be one example of this. Users may be able to modify data sets and apply filters to the visualizations’ dynamic nature to acquire further insights into governance activity.

Impact on Governance Processes/Tools
The API3 ecosystem’s decentralized decision-making would be more transparent and accountable with the inclusion of visual data analytics to the tracker. This tool would promote more informed decision-making and support more active engagement in DAO governance by giving users more convenient and interesting visualizations of important on-chain indicators related to governance. This might result in a decision-making process that is more effective and efficient, which would eventually help the API3 ecosystem expand and succeed.

Unique features
On-chain analytics for DAO governance can be approached in a novel and creative way with the help of the visual data analytics features provided. Users can analyze and change data sets to acquire deeper insights about governance activity by utilizing dynamic, interactive dashboards. This tool would give users a more user-friendly and interesting depiction of important governance indicators, promoting better informed decision-making and greater participation in DAO governance.

Some Examples of Visualizations for the Tracker
Rewards Section:

  • Line graph showing the APR over time
  • Stacked bar chart showing the total rewards earned by each member
  • …

Wallets Section:

  • Pie chart showing the distribution of voting power among members
  • …

Votings Section:

  • A horizontal bar chart showing the number of proposals for each type (primary or secondary)
  • A line graph showing the voting distribution for each proposal
  • …

Enhancing API3 DAO Tracker: A Comprehensive Solution for Decentralized Governance

Description: Our solution aims to provide a cohesive and intuitive platform for API3 DAO governance by optimizing on-chain analytics, integrating with existing tools, and introducing innovative features that promote transparency, accountability, and user engagement in the Web3 infrastructure.

How would you optimize the on-chain analytics on tracker.api3.org?

  • Display historical trends of proposal success and member engagement to identify patterns and opportunities.
  • Visualize token distribution and voting power among DAO members for better understanding of decision-making dynamics.
  • Integrate real-time notifications and alerts for proposal deadlines, voting periods, and results to keep participants informed via Telegram/Twitter/Discord bots and e-mails.

What is the impact on Governance Processes/Tools: Incorporate the ability to propose governance actions and vote via the Tracker website to enhance ease-of-use, transparency, and accountability by:

  • Providing easy access to proposal templates and best practices for drafting proposals.
  • Offering in-app proposal drafting and submission with clear guidelines.
  • Allowing integration with popular wallets for seamless voting and token management.

What unique features or approaches does your suggestion offer?

  • Gamification elements such as badges, achievements, and leaderboards to incentivize participation.
  • Personalized user dashboards with an overview of owned tokens, voting history, and proposal engagement.
  • Cross-chain integration with other DAOs and ecosystems to expand API3’s influence and foster collaboration.

The overall impact on Decentralized Governance: Our submission has the potential to significantly impact decentralized governance by:

  • Streamlining decision-making processes and encouraging participation through a user-friendly interface.
  • Enhancing transparency and accountability through data-driven insights and real-time updates.
  • Facilitating collaboration and growth of the API3 ecosystem by connecting with other DAOs and fostering community-driven initiatives.

How do you implement your idea: The implementation of our on-chain analytics tool can be achieved in the following practical and scalable steps:

  1. Collaborate with API3 developers and the community to gather feedback and refine the proposed features, culminating in a formal vote to allocate a budget to improve the Tracker by making it a one-stop governance dashboard and participation tool.
  2. Prioritize the most impactful features and create a development roadmap.
  3. Design and develop the enhanced DAO tracker iteratively, incorporating feedback and improvements along the way.
  4. Conduct thorough testing and user acceptance to ensure seamless integration with existing tools and processes.
  5. Launch the upgraded DAO tracker and continue refining it based on user feedback and ongoing developments in decentralized governance.
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Refining the API3 DAO Tracker: Enabling collective governance oversight

General Description

I have taken a more analytical approach for this feedback, as I went ahead and analyzed every page of the tracker in depth, so I could get a better understanding of which parts are easy-to-use and understand, and which ones lack in this regard. The main purpose of a tracker, of any kind, is to represent data in such a manner that its users can get a clear view of what is happening with the tracked process, the API3 governance in this case. For each page I have compiled a list of possible improvements, some of them being quite specific, while others are general enhancements or whole new features. These changes facilitate the voting process, improve transparency and allow the user to remain engaged with the governance process.

I cannot add links to this post, so I mentioned the exact URLs of the pages I mentioned in code block formatting.

Dashboard - https://tracker.api3.org/

  • The information displayed on this page helps in giving the user an overview of the DAO governance and staking process, so it should provide a clear and concise representation of it. The total number of members and completed proposals is important, but the number of active users in the past month or year can also help people understand how active this process is. A graph representing the evolution of the number of members and completed proposals over time can be very helpful in this sense.

  • The staking rewards of the past 3 epochs are displayed next, but this is quite a small timeframe so the user cannot get a long-term investment perspective. A graph with the evolution of the rewards rate over the past year can be more helpful in showing users what they can get for participating in the staking process. Showing the calculated weighted average APR of the past year might also be helpful.

  • In the next section, there are 4 amounts of tokens displayed: locked by governance, locked vestings, locked rewards and time locked. These names do not bear any further explanation as to what these amounts mean, so adding links to your Documentation or some informative messages on hover can help people understand the role of each of these different amounts of coins.

  • The circulating, staked and locked supplies of tokens are important, so a pie chart or the corresponding percentages of those amounts can help the user visualize this even better, instead of just raw numbers.

  • The list with the addresses of the contracts in use must be easily accessible, but having it on the dashboard or landing page of the tracker does not seem necessary, instead it would make up a good section of your documentation.

  • There is a red line of text stating “DAO staking target is reached, so APR will decrease by 1% for the next epochs until APR reaches 2.5%”, but “What happens when the staking target is not reached, does the APR go up by 1% weekly?”, “There is a minimum APR of 2.5%, but is there also a maximum?” These are questions that pop into mind after reading that line. Explanatory information in a short paragraph between [] or a link to your documentation where you describe this mechanism would be helpful. People can be discouraged by reading that the APR is going to 2.5%, it’s like saying “We reached our target, now it’s going down, you missed it, nothing to see here anymore.”

Rewards - https://tracker.api3.org/rewards

  • The rewards table has 9 columns and all of them are filled with numbers, therefore, it makes this view quite heavy on the eyes. You can reconsider whether or not all of this information is necessary. For example, Epoch, Block, Rewards Date and Release Date are displayed, all of this representing information regarding the time associated with those rewards. Only Epoch, Block, and Release Date can be displayed instead, since the user is most interested in the Release Date and that one is always exactly one year after the Rewards Date, same month and day. The user can always check the time of a block on Etherscan. Informative icons that display extra information when clicked or hovered over could be useful for the Rewards column as, at first, I could not understand what that percentage was. It is the Epoch/Weekly Percentage Rate. This is the Minted / Staked percentage so these 3 columns could be put together, APR sitting afterwards. The columns could be something like: Epoch, Block, Members, Staked, Minted, Epoch/Rewards Rate, APR, Release Date

Wallets - https://tracker.api3.org/wallets

  • The column named “Updated” on the Wallets page can be renamed to “Last Active” in order to make it easier to understand.

  • At first glance, it can be a little confusing why an address owns a certain amount of coins but the total voting power is different. The delegated voting power could be displayed in a different column as well, as an address can have “Owned” and “Delegated” votes.

  • In order to help users better understand how distributed the voting power is, a pie chart can be added to this page. It can display the voting power of the top 10, top 11-30, top 31-100 and the remaining addresses.

Page of a specific wallet - e.g. https://tracker.api3.org/wallets/0xe0d6480ae69e7c4928a3f45e6cf5651e52741ec0

  • The voting power part is easy to understand, the percentage is shown together with the power broken down by “Owns” and “Delegated”, but the left side can be somewhat confusing. It is not easy to understand what each of those numbers mean. What’s the context of Deposited and Withdrawn, they are listed above Stake and Unstake, and at first you try to make sense of these numbers, as in “Do they add up in some way?”, “Is withdrawn the result of unstaking?”, “What does Locked mean?”. Regarding the last question, I believe those are the locked rewards of the wallet. Some links to your documentation and overall improved naming can make this page easier to understand, e.g. “Locked” can be named “Locked Rewards”, “Unstake” can be “Unstaking”, etc.

  • The table with the events of the address should allow for filtering based on the type of event in order to easily visualize the casting of votes, proposal creation and so on.

Proposals - https://tracker.api3.org/votings

  • Issue: By looking at the percentage of votes the proposals have you cannot really understand what is going on with the voting process. In most cases, the displayed value is the percentage of votes each proposal received out of the total number of possible votes. If that is the case, then what about this rejected proposal: https://tracker.api3.org/votings/52 It shows 4.21% in red on the Proposals page but it has received ~5% supporting votes and ~6% against votes. This seems to be either a bug or the percentage displayed is not calculated in the same way for all proposals.

  • Solution: It would be easier to understand the state of the proposal if there was something similar to a loading bar near it that displays how many votes the proposal has out of the required total. The loading bar can be placed under the Status column, so instead of Pending status you would have this loading bar displaying whether or not the minimum number of votes has been reached. You can have a second bar displaying For vs. Against, or simply color the first bar accordingly.

Page of a specific proposal - e.g. https://tracker.api3.org/votings/128

  • The spent amount in ETH is displayed as “Spent 1,485,511 ETH in fees, Est $68.02” when it should be “Spent 0.1485511 ETH in fees, Est. $68.02”, e.g. https://tracker.api3.org/votings/128

  • Older proposal pages display “0 shares are required for this proposal to be accepted”, this looks like a possible bug, e.g. https://tracker.api3.org/votings/58

  • A message stating that “6,218,234 shares are required for this proposal to be accepted” is displayed on the page, does this imply that there must be 6,218,234 shares supporting the proposal or 6,218,234 shares have to be casted, such that a proposal can pass with 4,000,000 shares For and 3,000,000 shares Against? The mechanism behind is not clear. This message should be updated to reflect the mechanism in place.

  • Missing important information: This page should contain a link to the forum post describing the proposal, otherwise it is much harder to make the connection. Right now, you have to go to the StartVote transaction, view it in the explorer, get the link from the transaction data, and then access it. The user should be able to figure out the purpose of a proposal very fast, so a short description can also be included.

  • The number of For and Against votes is important but it doesn’t tell the whole story. A proposal might not pass because the minimum number of casted votes hasn’t been reached. You can pick up this information if you read throughout the page, but it should click really fast, the user shouldn’t have to pick up information, the information has to strike them right away.

Treasury - https://tracker.api3.org/treasury

  • This page displays 3 different treasuries and it is quite confusing to see that the Primary treasury has only API3, the Secondary has only USDC and V1 has just API3 but all of them display both API3 and USDC. Is it intentional that the Primary treasury has only API3 and 0 USDC in it? Why are there 3 treasuries? Let’s say V1 is understandable but what are Primary and Secondary? Is the Primary one for API3 funds and the Secondary for USDC? None of these questions really get answered on this page. Links to the documentation regarding the 3 treasuries can be added, or at least a short paragraph describing each of them below the amounts.

  • The value of those funds in dollars can be added, such that voters better understand the current situation. The total value of your treasury funds could also be displayed. A pie chart displaying the funds in Primary, Secondary and V1 treasuries can also be added as a visual representation.

  • This page is quite empty, so a bit of explanatory content and a visual representation will not hurt, moreover it is going to help the user better understand the current situation.


  • Black and white are the main colors of the API3 visual identity and they are used here as well, but the pages of the tracker are quite heavy on the eyes, especially because there is so much bright small text on a very dark background. My suggestion would be to offer a light-theme option to the user. Increasing the font size in your tables can also improve readability.

New features

  • Keeping users and voters engaged is essential to the functioning of the DAO process, so adding notifications to the tracker can improve this aspect. Users should easily see which proposals are currently pending, so they can participate right away. The user should also be able to pin certain proposals they are interested in, so they can easily follow the voting process. These notifications can be implemented in multiple ways, an example would be a small section with an icon that can be minimized to the side of the tracker.

  • A rewards calculator can be added to the tracker, so users can calculate the rewards they can get for staking. A weighted average of the APR can be used in this case as well.

The overall approach and impact on Decentralized Governance

An active governance process is essential to the development and growth of a DAO, therefore its members must be kept well-informed through the means of a tracker that presents data in a meaningful manner. Offering current members and newcomers a clear perspective on staking and voting in the API3 ecosystem can be achieved by: documenting each part of the process and tracker, while keeping it concise; adding visual representations to make data easier to understand; keeping users updated with the latest topics in API3 governance, and other bits and pieces that I mentioned. Together, they create an accessible and coherent tool for tracking the activity of the DAO. Transparency is one of the key features of a DAO, so creating an easy-to-use tracker for its processes is a natural evolution, and I believe it is actually mandatory.


This was my perspective on updating the API3 DAO Tracker, and maybe I went into a bit too much detail, but I hope it will be of use in the development of your tracker and helping the governance process through enhanced transparency. I am a developer with an inclination for UI/UX, so analyzing your tracker was an interesting experience. If more such feedback is needed for other parts of your ecosystem, I am willing to participate, and I’m sure others are too, so keep up the bounties as really good things can come out of them.

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Improving User Engagement and Governance Experience on Api3 DAO tracker

Description of idea:
My suggestion is to enhance user engagement and governance experience on the tracker by improving the user interface and adding new features to support more informed decision-making. The aim is to make the tracker more user-friendly, intuitive, and accessible for all API3 DAO participants, from core team members to token holders.

How would you optimize the on-chain analytics on the tracker?

I propose adding new visualizations that provide real-time insights into proposal voting patterns, staking rewards, and participant history. These visualizations can be integrated with existing charts and graphs to provide a more comprehensive view of the DAO’s performance. Additionally, the site’s navigation can be improved by providing clearer labeling and better categorization of information.

What is the impact on Governance Processes/Tools?

My proposal will enhance the API3 DAO’s governance processes and tools by providing more comprehensive and real-time insights into decision-making. The new features will enable participants to make more informed decisions about proposals and staking, thereby contributing to the transparency and accountability of decentralized decision-making.

What unique features or approaches does your suggestion offer?

My suggestion offers a more user-friendly and accessible approach to on-chain analytics. The proposed visualizations will provide a more intuitive and informative view of governance performance, making it easier for participants to understand and engage with the DAO. The improved navigation and labeling will also contribute to a more seamless user experience.

The overall impact on Decentralized Governance:

The proposed enhancements to the tracker have the potential to significantly impact the evolution of decentralized governance by improving the user experience and increasing engagement. This can lead to more informed decision-making and a more transparent and accountable DAO. Additionally, the enhanced site can contribute to the growth and development of the API3 ecosystem by attracting more participants and increasing the overall effectiveness of governance processes.

How do you implement your idea:

The proposed enhancements can be implemented in a practical and scalable way by collaborating with the API3 DAO development team. The team can leverage existing data sources and infrastructure to develop and integrate the new visualizations and navigation improvements. Additionally, the team can work with community members to gather feedback and ensure the new features meet their needs.

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Improving Transparency and Accessibility in the API3 DAO Tracker

Our proposal aims to enhance the API3 DAO tracker by implementing four features: a feedback section, multiple language support, automated reporting, and data export. By implementing these features, we aim to improve the transparency, accessibility, and accountability of decentralized decision-making in the API3 ecosystem.

How would you optimize the on-chain analytics of the tracker?

To optimize the on-chain analytics tool, the following features can be implemented:

  1. Feedback section: Allowing users to provide feedback or comments on the voting process or on specific proposals and voting options would enhance transparency and accountability. Feedback could be used to improve the governance process and make it more fair and inclusive.
  2. Language support: Supporting multiple languages will make the voting process more accessible to users from different regions or countries who may not understand English very well. By supporting multiple languages, the DAO could attract a more diverse group of users and increase participation.
  3. Automated reporting: The tracker can provide automated reporting capabilities, such as monthly or quarterly reports, to provide a comprehensive view of the voting results over time. Automated reports could be generated on a regular basis and sent to stakeholders, providing them with an up-to-date summary of the voting results. This could help stakeholders make more informed decisions and increase transparency and accountability.
  4. Data export: Giving users the possibility to export the voting results data in a format that they prefer would enable them to work with the data in a way that suits their needs. For example, some users may want to import the data into a spreadsheet to create charts or graphs, while others may want to use a statistical software program to perform more advanced analysis.

Impact on Governance Processes/Tools:

The presented features can integrate with existing governance processes and tools in the API3 DAO by providing more transparency and accountability to the decision-making process. The feedback section would allow for greater user input, while language support would attract a more diverse group of participants. Automated reporting would provide stakeholders with a more comprehensive view of the voting results, enabling them to make more informed decisions. The data export feature would give users more flexibility in working with the data.

Unique features or approaches:

My suggestion offers a user-focused approach to improving the voting process. By providing language support, automated reporting, and data export options, the aim is to make the voting process more accessible and transparent to users. This user-focused approach is innovative in comparison to existing analytics solutions for DAO governance.

Overall impact on Decentralized Governance:

This solution can have a positive impact on the evolution of decentralized governance by making the voting process more transparent and accessible to a wider range of users. By enabling user feedback and multiple language support, we can increase user engagement and participation in DAO governance. By providing automated reporting and data export options, we can increase transparency and enable stakeholders to make more informed decisions. These improvements could contribute to the growth and development of the API3 ecosystem.

How do you implement your idea?

These features can be implemented in a practical way by leveraging existing infrastructure and technology. The feedback section can have two different implementations, one general section for the whole tracker where you can receive suggestions for improving the tracker and dedicated feedback sections for each proposal where users can comment on them. Language support is quite self-explanatory, content must be translated when using a language switch. Automated reporting can be implemented like a newsletter or subscription, so the reports can be delivered by email. The data export feature must compile the data from proposals within a certain time interval into CSV, Excel and other common formats.

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Hey there @KenKarv, are there any news about the rewards for this bounty?

Hey, we organized this internally last week and will follow up next week with the summary. Have a nice weekend.

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We have been impressed by the quality of the submissions and the level of involvement from participants. Thank you to all that engaged. In assessing the bounty submissions, we were guided by the following criteria as outlined in the original post.

Through the review we valued submissions that offered innovative solutions, but also those that considered ease of implementation, meaning the proposal overall had a higher potential of becoming reality.

We are happy to share that the contributor rewards will be provided to

1st: @theFlyingRabbit

The proposal offers four features to enhance transparency and accessibility that we think could increase engagement and participation in DAO governance. Additionally the implementation is practical and can leverage existing infrastructure.

Due to the combination of progress and ease of implementation, we felt if we followed this proposal we would have the highest impact on DAO governance and overall aligns with the goals of the bounty challenge.

Runner up: @andrew2k x 2

The proposal takes the view that to optimize the overall impact of tracker.api3.org accuracy is a logical starting place of which we agree. The detail provided here was really appreciated, with it being clear you have really considered how the tracker is utilized within the DAO and captured some bugs that may prevent optimal use.

The suggested improvements focused around increasing engagement are strong, but we felt this part could have gone further. Additionally, whilst adding notifications to the tracker would be a great additional, implementation may be more complicated here.

That said, we felt this submission was worthy of two runner up rewards for the granularity from a bug reporting perspective towards the optimization of the tracker, as well as for the overall progression the suggestions would have.

Runner up: @SnakePlissken x 1

The proposed measures would benefit DAO governance by making the proposal drafting and submission process more streamlined and accessible, while also providing clear guidelines and best practices for proposal creation. Whilst also progressive, this is something we could implement with relative ease.

Additionally, the proposal of integrating voting ability into tracker and gamifying interactions is a really progressive and forward-thinking concept.

To all - thank you for your contributions as bounty participants, your efforts are greatly appreciated!

To the bounty winners, @theFlyingRabbit, @andrew2k and @SnakePlissken could you direct message me on the forum so we can arrange for the bounty transfer.

Additionally, we are working to open up how the community can engage and contribute across the DAO. If short-term you would be interested in supporting the delivery of these proposals please do let us know and if longer term you would be interested to contribute as a community member we’d be delighted to engage.

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You wrote on original post Runners up x3: 250 API3(if i understand right this means 3 runners up not 2).

Hi @serialnumber sorry this was not what you were expecting. For us there were two standout posts and felt the level of detail @andrew2k went into was worthy of a double reward. Thanks for taking part and hope to see you participate in the future.

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