Unstaking is not working today

I am unable to unstake from my phone which connects to ledger. After confirming I am taken to a page in my ledger app tto connect…however i am already connected tto the API3 staking site. Nothing else comes up to complete the transfer

Hello Izudancer,

Please be aware that API3 team members will never DM you first. If you receive direct messages offering support or assistance, please report them immediately.

Unfortunately, I have no experience using a Ledger device with a smartphone. However, I will try to assist you. In case you have Discord (marcusrg) or Telegram (@Marcusapi3), you can reach out to me for live support.

Please provide some additional information:

  1. Which mobile browser are you using?
  2. Do you have enough ETH in your wallet to cover the gas fees?
  3. Do you have blind signing activated in your Ledger Device?
  4. Do you receive a notification on your Ledger Device requiring the transaction’s approval after you initiated unstaking?

Hello Marcus, apparently whatever the issue was yesterday has cleared itself. Today one the site I can see the countdown clock for the unstaking. Yesterday there were numerous errors and try again later that popped up every time. So it was not clear that the unstaking went through

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Thank you for the update. I am glad everything works now. :handshake: